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Trying to be a rainbow... I'm happy mother of two girls. Married. Looking for friends. Eager to make my English better. I want to learn many things. I want to scapbook. I want to visit a lot of interesting places. I want to travel by plane. I want to find a thing that will become my greatest hobby. I want to express myself in different ways. Art. Writing. Travelling. I'll be glad to communicate. Feel free! Welcome!

St. Valentine's Day paper backgrounds

четверг, 14 января 2010 г. 1 коммент.

Размещаю фоны и картинки, созданные моим мужем. Он графический и веб-дизайнер, работает в студии дизайна ivanovivan.ru
Фоны и отдельные элементы создавались к празднику День Влюбленных. Сегодня поделюсь фонами.

Today I want to share some paper backgrounds created by my husband. He is a graphic and web designer and works at IvanovIvan Studio.
The backgrounds are created specially for St. Valentine's Day.

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